Live Laugh Lorcana
A Disney Lorcana Podcast by two sisters. Sharing our Lorcana journeys and encouraging others in the TCG space. Contemporaries have described us as "fine for something different". Come hang out with us!
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Live Laugh Lorcana
Episode 11: A Very Special Beckysode
In this filler episode, Katie is on a jolly holiday in England and Becky is left to her own devices. Joined by friend-of-the-show, Tuni, we discuss new cards, theories on what could come next, ideas for game mechanics, and the importance of keeping it goofy.
~Featured Creator: Dysfunctional Passholder~
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[Live Laugh Lorcana uses trademarks and/or copyrights associated with Disney Lorcana TCG, used under Ravensburger’s Community Code Policy (https://cdn.ravensburger.com/lorcana/community-code-en). We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. Live Laugh Lorcana is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Disney or Ravensburger. For more information about Disney Lorcana TCG, visit https://www.disneylorcana.com/en-US/.”]
Okay. Um, do you need anything before we jump in?
Tuni:Uh, now I got my tissues.
Tuni:So, I'm ready for the cat sneezes.
Becky:Oh yeah. Cat Central.
Tuni:I got my printout of the cards. Yeah.
Tuni:And I got my show notes!
Becky:Beautiful. Here are my show notes.
Tuni:Lovely! Mine are, this is how I keep track of the comics that I need to buy.
Becky:Oh, nice.
Tuni:I, uh, fold a post it note from work in half. And then write it all on there.
Becky:Beautiful. Okay, I'm going to start. I'm Becky and this is Live, Laugh, Lorkana, a very special BeckySode. And today I am joined by friend of the show, Toonie.
Tuni:That's me!
Becky:Hi Toonie. How are you doing today?
Tuni:Hi Becky, I'm not good.
Becky:Yeah. Hanging in there.
Tuni:Oh yeah, every day it's a struggle.
Becky:So I did want to start by just asking you about, do you have TCG experience?
Tuni:Um, well one time Cole wanted to play Pokemon We had Cole buy us some starter decks while he was at Walmart and he brought them home. And he lied to us about the rules and rolled face over us and it was not fun. And that was it.
Becky:And look at you now, Lorcana Queen.
Tuni:Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Becky:Um, what about Disney? Are you a Disney fan? Were you a Disney fan in the past? Fan now?
Tuni:Um, yeah, love Disney. I wouldn't say we were ever really a Disney house, mostly because they're very poor. So we did not go see a lot of movies, a lot of public access TV in our house. Like, once I got money and went to see movies and then, you know, had access to the internet. I got to see a lot of the stuff that I missed before.
Becky:Nice. Can I ask you, do you have a favorite Disney movie?
Tuni:Um, I always liked Hercules and then Mulan classics.
Becky:Yeah, good answer. During the Disney Renaissance. I mean, we were 90s kids, so.
Becky:We love it. So, I don't know if you noticed, Toonie, but we got a buttload of new cards.
Tuni:We did! I went and looked at the last card you talked about and then printed all the ones out after that. So that I would be prepared.
Becky:Beautiful. Yeah. Merlin rabbit, I believe was the last one we talked about, which almost immediately after we recorded, um, Madame in Fox jumped out. So, so, um, we got our Madame snake. We got her Madame in Fox. We got Merlin squirrel, Merlin crap. And then today we got lady Tremaine. Um, any thoughts on these?
Tuni:I think it's a lot of real estate that's going to them, which isn't necessarily bad, but paired with the fact that we're apparently also getting seven individual dwarves in the set. A whole lot of real estate. Did
Becky:Yeah, and well, I, I didn't, uh, look at the numbers on the cards, but I saw them in, um, John T from the Inkwells video that numbers.
Tuni:that video
Becky:Yeah, you did. Numbers 46 through 54 are going to be all Merlin Mim, just nine cards. And they are all are, you know, um, amethyst cards. And then, I heard rumor that the Snow White dwarves are all going to be amber.
Tuni:Yeah, because of, like, the packaging on one of the starters mentioned them being in Amber.
Becky:So, that feels like a lot. And, I actually, I, I heard that, um, Well, I mean like this set was like over 200 cards and it was 204. So even if we, we'll assume like 200 cards
Becky:ease of math. 8 percent of new cards are dwarves or merlin men. That's a lot!
Tuni:so many! Like, I'm not mad about it. It's just like, there's so many franchises. Not that, not even counting in the ones. That we haven't seen it yet, but like, Treasure Planet has one. Winnie the Pooh has one, and we have a few that we know are coming in. And it's just like, so many.
Becky:So I can forgive the dwarves. I, I totally understand that. I think
Tuni:Yeah, that's a classic.
Becky:Super fun. I feel like, again, we haven't seen all the Merlin Mim cards, but I feel like that's like such a cut, like, and it's taking up so many cards that this is something we don't do on the second set, if that makes sense.
Tuni:I kind of see it as like, a flex, almost. Of them like, look at the kind of stuff that we can do. Like, we can do these fun little play ins together. That's kind of how I see that.
Becky:I, that, I like that attitude. That's a really good attitude for this. I like that. That's cool.
Tuni:I try, yeah.
Becky:I love it. And also we, like, of the Merlin mims, of course we're missing some of them, but they're not, like, anything super powerful. I think we can all kind of assume that we're gonna get the Madam Mim dragon and it's gonna be big,
Tuni:do you think it would be comparable to Maleficent dragon?
Becky:You know, I was actually, I was actually thinking that, like, that, okay, that would be kind of epic to
Tuni:It's like Maleficent dragon, but goofy. I love that.
Becky:I definitely love that too. For Amethyst, honestly, that would be fabulous. Which brings us to, um, because we talked about the seven dwarves being, being kind of spoiled in the organized play spoils and I, there's some more here and then I think we should just like touch on a little bit.
Tuni:Yeah, um, I have this wrote on my post it note as well.
Becky:beautiful. Yeah, so we had the Seven Dwarves and then Snow White. I'm assuming Snow White will also be Amber, but previously we had, uh, the Prince from that movie, Spoiled, and he is Steel.
Tuni:Yeah, so doing a little combo there with the two of them.
Becky:Amber and Steel is nice
Tuni:to be cut up? Yeah. Oh, that's what my musketeer deck is.
Becky:Oh, cute! we also got Raya and Sisu. We've seen Raya, but Sisu is new.
Tuni:Yeah, she's on the cards.
Becky:Yeah, yeah,
Tuni:Yeah, the
Becky:of the featured, yeah. Um, and we have already seen Pain and Panic, so, you know,
Tuni:we knew that was coming.
Becky:yeah. And then, A lot. Can I say a lot of, um, Great Mouse Detective?
Tuni:Not the ones that I was necessarily looking forward to, but still, yeah.
Becky:It's still very cool. We got Basil, Hiram Flaversham, Mrs. Judson, and then we also saw, um, Mouse Armor and Dinner Bell, which were steel and ruby cards. So maybe they'll continue along that line.
Tuni:And then finally, Judy Hopps! That we knew about. Like, we had seen her name come. But, uh, we got Nick too! Which is like, again, assumed that's one of the bigger ones we're gonna get. But, we didn't see it officially.
Becky:Which is pretty exciting, and then of course we got, uh, Pooh and more friends. We had Tigger, last patch, not patch, I'm sorry,
Tuni:Less set.
Becky:last set, um, and so we're obviously getting Honey Wizard Pooh. I imagine we'll have a different, another, like a more basic Pooh as well.
Becky:And maybe Piglet, Rabbit, let's go full Rabbit
Tuni:I'm ready. I'm so ready. I don't even have, like, a full set, even close, of the first guys. And I'm ready for more.
Becky:I am too. I think it'll be really exciting. Um, yeah, I'm more excited for the restock right this second though. Cause I want so many things.
Tuni:And I've definitely learned from the past that even if I don't necessarily think that I want the product, like, the gift set, the bigger cards, I'm just kind of like, they're fine, like, if I get them at one point, cool, but I'm not going to go out of my way. Now I'm like, if I see the product, we gotta buy the product.
Becky:It doesn't matter what it is. We need it. We did the gift set giveaway because Cody accidentally bought three gift sets on
Tuni:As one accidentally does.
Becky:eBay. Because he bid on a bunch and then he won them all. It's like, Oh,
Tuni:it works.
Becky:great. We love
Tuni:Did he get a good steel price on them at
Becky:Honestly, like, I mean, over retail, but not nothing crazy, like
Tuni:Oh, that's good.
Becky:36 around there. So. Whatever. So if, if you want some, um, of the big cards, you just let me know. I'll hook you up.
Tuni:Look me up, baby! I mean, it's good art on them.
Becky:Yeah, they're really cool. I, I'm, I don't know. I'm interested in like the thought process to create the big card,, I think they're fun. I don't
Tuni:Yeah, it's just a purely collectible and I think it's kind of funny that we're not Getting any in the second set Like, it's in the binder, the spots for them,
Becky:Yeah, I figured there would be more, but alas, I'm gonna ask Toonie, uh, this is just me talking. Are you coming to Star City GamesCon in Pittsburgh?
Tuni:I would like to go. I'll probably only come one day, though. More than likely Saturday.
Tuni:Dad and I going out, but I can't make Dad go both days.
Becky:There's a three days, Toonie.
Tuni:Well, it's only tournaments on Saturday and Sunday now, unless I'm completely missed Friday,
Becky:yeah, I mean, you know, I should know, but I don't. Are you gonna compete or,
Tuni:Well, if I'm going, probably.
Becky:yeah, do the 1K?
Tuni:Yeah! Do I expect to win? Not in the slightest, but just to have the experience. I think I'm only like 8 short, so. And I've got time to, to buy some more off TCGplayer. Yeah!
Becky:Have you bought any singles yet?
Tuni:Um, shoot. I don't remember the name of the place. It's the one that, um, Brandon, he has the affiliate code or whatever for, 5 percent off. I was like, yeah, sure, I'll use them. And they're, they're local in that they're in Ohio, so.
Becky:like, fairly close to you.
Tuni:Yeah, and it's nice to buy them all at one place and not be receiving tons of packages of individual cards. They're just all nicely mailed together.
Becky:Oh, that is nice. Yeah, I've not bought singles yet. I don't know what I'm waiting for. Maybe luck?
Tuni:have a deck that you like. really want to
Becky:Honestly, probably. Because I'm still kind of playing. I, like, every two weeks I just, like, mix things up and be like, What can we do here? Yeah. I didn't go to league this week. So I'm very stressed out. Do you want to hear about it?
Tuni:Yeah, let's hear about it.
Becky:You have to say yes, I know.
Tuni:Well, I would have wanted to hear about it regardless.
Tuni:Actually, no, I'm gonna leave. Bye. You
Becky:that's fine, I will just talk to myself.
Becky:Um, so I, um, was really nervous about this because Katie does all the heavy lifting and I just vibe. That's my job. My job is vibe. She's Bert. I'm Ernie. That's the vibe. Um, I don't edit. I don't do anything.
Becky:We discovered today. I don't do show notes because I'm out of show notes already.
Tuni:Well, I got, um, let's see. Wait a minute. Four things on my post it note that were beyond the cards. Yeah.
Tuni:whole things. So, we got content, baby.
Becky:I love it. You're so, you're so great,
Tuni:I know. And
Becky:also, I'm also nervous because I'm working on a cosplay tuning Originally, it was going to be for Cody, but then I commandeered it for myself.
Tuni:Is it the one I saw on Snapchat? Hmm?
Becky:Okay, that is not actually at all.
Tuni:Could it be, though?
Becky:I'm working on a detective Mickey cosplay and I was goofing around in Cody's.
Tuni:It was beautiful.
Becky:big coat. Cody filmed me doing it, but no tuning. I'm doing it for real. But
Tuni:wasn't for realsies?
Becky:that wasn't for realsies. I don't think it'll come out good. But, um, I got fancy EVA foam. I'll make a little hat. I got a little light bulb action happening. I got wire and blah, blah, blah. I'm going to make the claw. I ordered a trench coat that actually fits me. I went to the thrift store and got some brown pants. It's gonna happen. I have a blue waistcoat. It's gonna be so good. It's not.
Tuni:It is very, very much going to be good. It's gonna be fantastic. And you're just gonna have to extend, no, there's no baby about it. It is. Period.
Becky:I don't have ambitions to be good at cosplay, but my league at Four Horsemen is doing a costume contest on the 24th and I just want to win.
Tuni:It's all vibes and just attitude. Like honestly, walk in there wearing trash and just
Becky:Sell it.
Tuni:sell it.
Becky:Sell the trash. I won't be able to because I am very awkward when I, um, go somewhere and I I'm not like super comfortable with a lot of people and I'm dressed like a giant detective mouse Like I feel like that
Tuni:That's your armor.
Becky:My mouse armor Oh speaking of detective Mickey nobody's talking about this and I've already mentioned it But I'm gonna mention it again because it's super important great mouse detective and Mickey Mouse detective folks. I don't know
Tuni:double detective.
Becky:I don't know.
Tuni:there's a mystery happening and we need all of the great minds on it. The great mouse minds.
Becky:But Mickey is, you know, Descriptor is Mouse Detective. What is Basil's gonna be?
Tuni:Mouse Detective, as well.
Becky:I, I, it might. I'll be disappointed if it isn't. I feel like we already have one. We can't have another.
Tuni:Mouse Detective, take two.
Becky:But better.
Tuni:Mouse Detective, the original.
Becky:But more qualified.
Tuni:See, it'll work out.
Becky:Yeah, also, I got Photoshop on my computer, which is exciting now because I, um, I want to redo our logo because it's so bad and no, well, I made it and publish our publisher. Microsoft Publisher is not made to create art Yeah. Do you want to talk about the rest of your list?
Tuni:Sure. Let's see what we got here. Number one, what's your finding product game plan? Because honestly, the, the stuff that I have is all like pure luck, uh, duct tape palate and spread finding stuff. And being so kind as to sell it to us at MSRP, which I don't know, like, if he would do that again, given, you know, the state of things, like now that he knows how much of a, a profit that he could make off of that, if he would still do that, which, you know, I understand completely, I wouldn't be mad if he, he did that, so I don't know if that's going to, if I can luck into it again for the rest of it, because our, the only place near us, Um, had their comic shop so they had basically nothing and sold out within an hour or two while I was still at work. So there was no way I was ever going to get any of that.
Becky:Right. They don't do organized play. Right.
Tuni:No, they're just their game stuff is mostly magic. And, um, I was talking to them about, like, if their allocations for Rise of the Floodborne would be. the same as the first time around, and they were like, yeah, honestly, we barely get anything. We're lucky to get what we have now for like Pokemon, which is something you would think that they would also have in big supply, like magic, but guess not.
Becky:Yeah. My plan is also luck based.
Tuni:Love it.
Becky:Well, um, I heard everyone has been talking about the October restocks for LGSs, but nobody's got them. And I guess it's only halfway through the month really, but, um, I'm not, I'm like not feeling like that's necessarily going to happen.
Tuni:And yeah, not feeling confident in
Becky:Not super confident. No. So, we'll see. Um, I have kind of given up though.
Tuni:I get what I get. Like, I don't have the FOMO, like, I'm not gonna get this ever. Like, I think. They've been pretty open about how they're planned to essentially reprint into the ground as soon as they can, so I'm like, okay, I'm going to have to wait probably a good amount of time and I'm capable of sticking that out because I'm just doing this for funsies, like, I'm not, like, thinking, I got to have all this supply so that I can go to these games and tournaments to win money because I'm so good at this game. I'm like, I just want to hang out with my friends and have a good time playing my little guys.
Becky:My little guys! I totally get it. And like, I, I don't have the, I don't know, time, capacity, access to vehicles with my small children to like go and check things and do stuff.
Tuni:Becky, I don't know if you know this about
Becky:I do.
Becky:I did know that about you, and
Becky:live in a car dependent area, for sure.
Tuni:I gotta weigh the importance of it. Like, is this something I really want to bother somebody like, can we go off to the highlands to go to Target so I can see if they might
Tuni:have a booster for the first time ever since it came out? It's never gonna happen.
Becky:I feel that. Yeah, now that my league is out of product, I don't see me getting any, any time soon. So, we shall see.
Tuni:It also doesn't help that I'm basically just playing kitchen table, so I can print out my proxies and no one that I'm playing against is going to care at all. So,
Becky:That's a good point.
Tuni:Alright, good game plan, guys.
Tuni:We got this on lock. We know when that drop happens, whenever it is. Cause I know, I definitely know when that is. We're gonna be ready.
Becky:On top of it completely.
Tuni:Rise of the Floodborn, when it hits, nailing it.
Becky:Hey, I'm, I'm fine with waking up at 3am and checking the Disney store website. That's I'm committed to that, you know?
Tuni:I'm an old lady and have an old lady bladder, so I'm usually up at 3am anyways.
Tuni:Check them all out. Number two on my list.
Becky:I love it.
Tuni:Um, in general, I could be like, Oh, what's the movie that you're looking forward to? But no, I'm being specific here. I had a, it just popped into my head. I hadn't really thought of it before. And I was like, yeah, Encanto. I didn't really speculate beyond what we got and like what we see. So when this hit my brain, it was like a revelation. Like, oh my God, we are going to get that at some point. That's so cool.
Becky:have to! Such good characters with so many power varieties. Oh my goodness. Oh my god! Can you imagine like, like, um, Isabel, Being like this is. Artist who like does her dark colors and like all her cool
Tuni:So cute.
Becky:so cute I love
Tuni:Like the storyboard stuff. Great. They're going to be good there. But when you get to your floorboard stuff, that's gonna be fun. Um.
Tuni:Love it. Uh, my deep cut for them, because I was thinking, yeah, we're going to get the madrigals. Like, like, we're getting, we're getting all seven dwarves. Like,
Becky:Apparently we'll get all the magic guns.
Tuni:going to get them. Uh, I think it would be cute if we got Antonio's little capybara.
Tuni:Well, how adorable would that be?
Becky:so cute. I
Tuni:And just like Antonio, if he had, uh, an ability that led to, like, animal synergy deck, that would be fun.
Becky:Wonder how they could do that. Maybe like an, um, an, well, I guess ally. Cause I've noticed like all the little animal pals are just allies, but so are people pals. That'd be interesting.
Tuni:they have the um, this is like just on your little bonus point stuff that's not like baked into the game, but there was the one point system um, shoot, of like food items on the cards. So like you could have points of like, how many animal do you have with Antonia? Like that'd be cool. I like the fun little stuff like that, which this is not necessarily, again, gameplay stuff. But it's just having fun making your deck, giving yourself arbitrary rules.
Becky:I love that. Um, uh, Katie and I are talking about doing more casual play and like making fun decks and talking about them and that kind of
Tuni:Do recommend.
Becky:Like I had, I had this deck that I made called Life's a Beach and it's, and it's like only beach characters or characters or stuff like that shows like water or sand and like, it's
Tuni:I was kind of going in a similar direction, actually, which is funny. Yesterday, um, I don't have a deck using Ruby yet. And so I was trying to... Think of what I wanted to do with that because it would have been amber because of the first two decks I made used up emerald steel and amethyst sapphire, I didn't know what to put with it and I ended up thinking okay well maybe Ruby Sapphire I never see that anywhere. What fun combo that I come up with. And I was looking at. Water and fire stuff, just water fire characters. And I didn't get to the point where I was starting to be like, okay, where's my curve at? Like, how am I doing with that? But I did a first blush to look at it and maybe pursue later.
Becky:Oh. I love
Tuni:So I like that synergy there, water.
Becky:That's really cool. I like that a lot. There's a lot of good cards for that, too. Just like, I'm going through it in my head. See, Fun Dags! Fun Dags are
Tuni:Fun decks are fun!
Becky:So, um, I am a League of Legends fan, and there's a guy called Ross Boomsocks, who is one of my favorite YouTubers. And so like, in League of Legends, to forfeit the game, you say FF, but he repurposed FF to be the for fun movement, where he just
Becky:Stupid stuff and like weird builds and goofy characters and stupid abilities and it's just like so silly.
Tuni:It's silly, good laughs.
Becky:and I think there needs to be more fun in Lorkhana.
Tuni:I agree Number three. Uh, so, okay, last week we had touched on, and by we I mean you, because I was in here last week, uh, with the different card art, and I had a thought. Wouldn't it be cute if they did like a little kid set? Like little kid doodle art? How adorable would that be?
Becky:Like, didn't they do that in Pokemon?
Tuni:I know they have like the crayon and pencil thing, which I,
Becky:I feel like in ancient
Tuni:you mentioned.
Becky:there was like a, like when I knew about Pokemon, there was like a contest.
Tuni:See, I don't know about that, which it may, very well may, because that certainly isn't like some innovative new idea or anything, but I just think that'd be really cute. I'd be down for a set.
Becky:That'd be so cute. Oh, I would, which reminds me of, you know, those Lurkanos cards.
Tuni:Yes, in that same vibe!
Becky:Hold on, I want to explain a little. So, Lurkano's cards, if you haven't seen them, are this fabulous little art set where it's Lurkano cards, but they're like,
Becky:I was going to say they're derpy. That's the best way to describe them. Who's the artist for those?
Tuni:dysfunctional passholder.
Becky:So cute. They crack me up.
Tuni:Agreed. I think that's their tag on. Yeah, on Instagram as well.
Becky:Oh yeah, here it is. Oh my god, the website is fabulous.
Tuni:I know, it's so cute!
Becky:I have decided that Dysfunctional Password Holder is our featured creator. And I'm gonna do that, I'm gonna do that later. I wasn't gonna have one this week, but
Tuni:Now we do, and I think it fits our vibe perfectly.
Becky:It was! It was though! Fabulous! Love it!
Tuni:Number four. This is the last thing. Oh, wait. Yeah, it is the last thing that I have. Um, I sent you, the other day, a picture of my show notes to show you how committed I was to this.
Tuni:And the only thing that I had visible,
Becky:I'll tell you. It said, Swole Dwarf.
Tuni:SWOL DWARF! And then you know what the frickin Discord did? They started talking about swol dwarfs and I was like, ruined it. No, it's, I thought, synergy. That's why we all work together so well.
Becky:Do you want to talk about it anyway?
Tuni:I do. Well, yeah, not everybody's in the discord. Um, I won't, I won't, uh, talk about what you said, though. I'm gonna pretend like I didn't see what you said.
Becky:That's fine.
Tuni:here it is me pretending. Oh, Becky, if one of the dwarves was to be swole Who would you think it would be, and what do you think they would be doing?
Becky:I think Doc should be swole. There you go.
Tuni:I was thinking he would make a, like a great healer card to maybe be. But, but he's in amber, so it's like, it wouldn't be an answer to Rapunzel, it'd just be like, another Rapunzel in amber,
Becky:Yeah, fair point. Um, well, who's your swole, who's your swole,
Tuni:It's about Swole Dwarf. Well, I mentioned, I mentioned this to one of the sales people at work, because if there's anything that car salesmen love talking about. It's TCG games based on Disney. And he thought Sleepy would be a good swole dwarf because he, he's well rested.
Becky:When you said that, I thought Snorlax,
Tuni:Oh, we'll see. There
Becky:that's a little sleepy boy.
Tuni:we go. It's okay. So that's what the salesperson thought. And I thought that was pretty good, but you know what would be cute though? I think. Making it dopey might be like too,
Becky:On the nose,
Tuni:yeah, I'd be like,
Tuni:you wouldn't expect dopey, so let's make it dopey. I think Bashful would be cute. If he was the powerful one. Just be like, a little coy, like, I just stomped you.
Becky:Yeah. I think there's like, I think there's like a 92 percent chance it's gonna be Grumpy or Dopey. I feel
Tuni:Oh yeah, the big ones. That most people think of when they think of the dwarves.
Becky:And just because we haven't mentioned Sneezy and Happy.
Tuni:They'll also be there, yes, because we're getting all seven dwarves, as well as at least nine mimin.
Becky:which is a lot of Merlin because we already have a Merlin and we have like Buffetto which features Merlin
Tuni:so much Merlin.
Becky:All right,
Tuni:You know, I'm, again, not mad. It's just like, it's a lot.
Becky:I'm mad. No, I'm not. If they show me one more Merlin, I'm going to quit this game. I swear to God.
Tuni:I'm gone! Now, I'm This is still four. This is still 4 on my list. We're extrapolating here. So, this is beyond the mechanics of the game. Like, this is not something that would feasibly actually ever happen. Um, I was just thinking of the hilarity of what if this was like a, um, a shift situation. So, like, you start with one, and then you have to shift the second one on, and then you have to shift the specific third one on, so and so forth, until you get to the seventh one. And then, there's an eighth one, which is the Seven Dwarves.
Becky:Again, they're combined.
Tuni:it's an instant win situation, like all of Yu Gi Oh and, um,
Becky:The Forbidden
Tuni:Yeah. So, it's one of these things where... It does not make any sense whatsoever to actually play this deck around this, because you really have to believe in the heart of the cards for it to ever work out.
Tuni:But how funny would that be? Hilarious.
Becky:Honestly, I love it. I'm going to be disappointed if it's not like that. A mechanic like Exodia. I don't know if it exists in other games, but it's just like, I love that.
Tuni:Something so outside of
Becky:That is just the win. And if you want to commit to it, you have to
Tuni:You have to. Like, there's no other way for your deck to work, unless this one busted thing you get to by sheer luck. Love it. That's the kind of fun deck that we like in this house.
Becky:For sure. Or I think a win condition could just be like, you get all seven dwarves, you win. I think like that should be instead of getting one extra, you get one sticker. For doing that. Do you know how hard that's gonna be to do impossible. Get one sticker. No, you should win the game,
Tuni:Like, whoa, okay. So, in order for that, I'm, I'm taking it. I know this is probably not how it would, it honestly means just like seven individual dwarves. They don't have to be different dwarves. You're going to have four of each and you're dead., you can have four of two of the dwarves to hit that seven.
Becky:Oh, okay. Yeah.
Tuni:But like, could you just imagine having that deck? with 28 dwarves. Like half your deck is dwarves and then you have to have Snow White in there. So you half your deck is Snow White and the dwarves. Commitment. Commit to the bit.
Becky:Honestly, I'm doing it. If I could get'em, I'm doing it can't stop me. And you know what happens? I'm gonna put those seven dwarfs down and I'm gonna be like, all right, well that's the game. And then I'll just clean up and leave
Tuni:You just, gentlemen, ladies, good day.
Becky:I've done everything I can. Goodbye.
Tuni:You just walk out of the shop. And they'll be like, does she know she only has 10 lore right now?
Becky:It doesn't matter. Perfect.
Tuni:So that's my four show notes
Becky:That's great. I really, I really appreciate that. Is there anything else you want to talk about now that you've gone through your list?
Tuni:Not particularly.
Becky:Okay, I'm going to pop in our featured creator. So today's surprise feature creator is Dysfunctional Passholder. Dysfunctional Passholder, um, creates Derpy collectible Lurkanos cards, which are super fun and delightful, be sure to check her out on Instagram, TikTok, and... Disfunctionalpassholder. com.
Becky:Ah, we are so good at things.
Tuni:Nailing it. Killing it.
Becky:Cool. Okay, so, do you want to, oh, how, do you want to do the end, where you say, thanks for listening to us, and here's where you can find us?
Tuni:Uh, okay, I can do that, but you're going to have to tell me what to say because I listen to you at 2x speed and retain none of that. Can
Becky:Totally fine. So, be like, so that's our show.
Tuni:I say it in a New Zealand accent?
Becky:Do whatever you want.
Tuni:Okay, so that's all I'll show.
Tuni:That's all I got.
Becky:tell them where to find us. Well,
Tuni:Oh, okay. Uh, they can find us because I'm a part of this now for this episode on Spotify. On, no, see, I told you you didn't know what to
Becky:say, like, wherever you get your podcasts.
Tuni:I don't, the only podcast I listen to is You and Quest for 20.
Tuni:I don't know.
Becky:shout out to them. Instagram, Twitter, wherever you get your podcasts. Go ahead,
Tuni:Oh Lord. Okay. So what am I saying?
Becky:be sure to check us out on Instagram, Twitter, wherever you get your podcast.
Tuni:Can I write this down?
Becky:Oh yeah. Here, I'll write you. Okay.
Becky:ready? Get a pen.
Tuni:can't. This is too much.
Becky:You don't have to do this if you don't want
Tuni:Oh, I'm doing it.
Becky:Okay. Okay, so generally, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, for this, but on YouTube, I always say that, and wherever you get your podcasts, pitch to join the Discord, hang out with us if you want. Okay. So whenever you're ready.
Tuni:Okay. Okay, so that was the show. We talked about everything on our notes that we worked very diligently on, and you can check us out wherever you watch podcasts and Instagram. And Twitter. And for this. But on YouTube. Was there anything else?
Tuni:Oh, yeah, I gotta plug the Discord, which was pretty great, too. We have a lot of fun over there.
Becky:Do you want to be found, Toonie?
Tuni:Oh, there's nowhere to find me.
Becky:Do you want to plug anything?
Tuni:I got nothing.
Becky:Okay. Thank you so much for joining us, Toonie. I had fun. Did you have fun?
Tuni:I did have fun.
Becky:That's great. So remember to live, laugh, and lore.